I'm a paragraph. I'm connected to your collection through a dataset. Click Preview to see my content. To update me, go to the Data Manager.
The script makes an object you have a teleporter.
Please put the script into the object.
This script use Sit command to teleport.
If you don't want to move the object, you can use the "Teleporter Skeleton" included.
Please Rez the "Teleporter Skeleton" object, and wrap an object you have with the "Teleporter Skeleton".
▼ Characteristic of script
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- You can set one destination.
- Avatar will teleport immediately (without dialog) when avatar click teleporter.
- Easily setting.
■ copy / □ mod / □ trans

テレポーターが直接(一瞬ですが)動くことを避けたい場合、同梱している「Teleporter Skeleton」をオブジェクトに重ねてください。
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■ copy / □ mod / □ trans